Mr. Fernando was appointed as a Director in February 2007 and was made the Chairman of the Board in December 2009. He was a Director since February 23, 2007. Mr. Fernando is the Chairman of the Board Audit Committee and the Board Remuneration Committee and a Non-Executive Independent Director of Commercial Development Company PLC.
He is a fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka with considerable exposure to the banking, manufacturing, agricultural and trading sectors in Sri Lanka.
Mr. Fernando currently serves as a Non-Executive Director to the Board of the following Companies – First Guardian Equities (Pvt) Ltd., Ceylon Tea Brokers PLC, St. Nicholas’ Education Services Ltd., Tropibar (Pvt) Ltd. and Lanka Hydraulic Institute (Pvt) Ltd. In addition to the above, Mr. Fernando has been appointed as a Director for Tropical Abundance (Pvt) Ltd. and as the Chairman of Noorani Estates (Pvt) Ltd. Further, he is a member of the Working Committee on the Science & Technology Policy Research of the National Science Foundation.
Mr. Fernando had served as a Director and Deputy Chairman of Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Non-Executive Chairman – CIC Holdings PLC and Chemanex PLC, Non-Executive Chairman – Akzo Nobel Paints Lanka (Pvt) Ltd., Executive Chairman of CIC Holdings PLC and its subsidiaries. Further he had served on the Board of Directors of the Insurance Corporation of Ceylon, the State Mortgage and Investment Bank, Employees’ Trust Fund and as a Member of the Telecom Regulatory Commission and the 2010 Taxation Commission, President and a Trustee of the Japan-Sri Lanka Technical & Cultural Association (JASTECA).